Octoberism: A Fall Playlist


If you’re like me, then the beginning of fall is probably your favorite time of year. The promise of crunchy dead leaves, warm nights around the TV with your family, and the looming presence of holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner.

However, when I’m not home in Florida sweating through October, I’m in New Orleans, which isn’t much colder. So, I figured it’s important to come up with a musical selection to help simulate that crisp fall feeling. It works for me, so hopefully it’ll help you, too!

Pedro the Lion – “Options”

Pedro the Lion is a definitive early 2000’s sad boi band, full of melancholy and the fear of heartbreak. While this song may start off with lyrics about walking across the sand, it can’t help but be matched with the foreboding feeling of seasons changing, and it’s the perfect song to kick off this transitional set.

Hovvdy – “Cathedral”

Hovvdy is a newer band, but it’s not hard to make the connection between them and Pedro the Lion; the same sing songy melodies are there, as are the acoustic guitars. But “Cathedral” feels more youthful, since Hovvdy is more current. This is a great song from their upcoming new album, and while I’m stoked for that new release, this song is a great appetizer leading up to it.

Broken Social Scene – “Cause = Time”

Montreal was an indie rock mecca back in the early 2000’s, and while Arcade Fire was the definitive band of that scene, Broken Social Scene didn’t go without their merits. “Cause = Time”, which comes off their album You Forgot it in People, is a certified indie rock slapper. Just because it’s colder out doesn’t mean you can’t still dance! Ya gotta stay warm somehow.

Galaxie 500 – “Ceremony” (New Order Cover)

New Order represents, to me, the change and development that comes with time, and this cover of their breakout single by shoe gaze monsters Galaxie 500 is stellar. It’s the perfect driving around song, the ideal sitting in parking lots and hanging with friends kind of vibe. It’s a feeling that goes hand in hand with the fall, at least for me. Hopefully you can see what I mean when you listen. 

So that’s just a brief sampling! If you wanna listen to the full playlist, I’ll have it attached here. Happy fall y’all, and happy listening! 

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