Songs That Got Me Through 2022


As someone who doesn’t subscribe to the New Year shenanigans, I’ve been having a very deeply emotional and basic New Year’s Eve. The traditions such as, eating black eyed peas, making New Year’s Resolutions, watching the ball drop, or eating 12 grapes while sitting underneath a table (just learned about this one a few days ago) haven’t ever resonated with me.

Eating 12 grapes before midnight is tradition practiced in Latinx culture. Tik Tok credit: @smallbizcassie

However, this year is different.

A year of transformation, death, release, and rebirth that I can confidently say, we’ve all experienced.

I’ve sat here all day, processing every climax I experienced this year in my relationships, career, and self. Looking back at every photo/video in my camera roll (a task I often avoid) and reading every journal entry. The release is overflowing and I’m able to feel it all again. Replaying the memories in my mind and thinking of how I would handle them differently now. Accepting where I was mentally in those moments, and forgiving myself.

Then, this proceeds to turn into another journal entry, but this one is written from an encouraging, motivating and positive perspective. Diving into the experiences and challenges I want to call in this year – sound familiar?

So here I am, having my silly little traditional American New Years Celebration.

The icing on my shiny little New Year’s cake is listening to my Spotify top songs for the year. Attempting to encapsulate what this whole year was into a Instagram reel, Tik Tok, or even a 5 hour and 46 minute playlist still isn’t enough – but maybe you can feel with me while listening to some of my favorite songs that got me through 2022.

Messages in the Music

Thinking about someone, and enjoying replaying our special moments together.
Honestly, my favorite Drake song ever. This one got played at least once a day. Simp mode not even included.
The perfect song for heartbroken water placements – plus you get serenaded by the Water Sign Angel herself.
You’re a liar if you say you’ve never had a hoe era.
Some self reflection and growth for ya.
And now it’s time to boogie and strictly vibe.

Happy New Year from me to you. If you are someone who doesn’t subscribe to New Year’s shenanigans like me, maybe it’s time you create some traditions of your own. I know my yearly playlist is something I will continue for years to come!

The entire playlist, for your listening pleasure. What are some songs that got you through?

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