This Week’s New Music Finds


Recently, with school starting up again and a resulting spike of screen time, I have been listening to a lot of new music. Like hours and hour’s worth of music is listened to daily and a solid 40% is a conglomerate of new songs I find daily. As much as I love hyper-fixating on new music… I love sharing it with people and watching them hyper-fixate on it even more.

So, without further ado, a few of my favorites from this last month’s surge of new finds.

First and foremost, Halsey’s new album. Yes, the whole thing.

This album is everything middle school me ever could have wanted. It feels like Halsey’s music aged with her fanbase and is exactly what we needed at each point in our lives. The lyricism, the instrumentals, and her vocals (my god, the vocals) make this album her best yet. She has opened up about how scared she was to write an album like this, feeling she wasn’t nearly talented or credible enough to do so. I think she chose the perfect time to embrace those fears and finally do it because she absolutely killed it.

Special shoutout to “Honey” and “Lighthouse” though, those songs bring out a whole different side of me I swear.

“Shit Show” by Peter McPoland

This song just came out last Friday and is already one of my number one listened-to songs. It is amazing, along with all other music he has released. He has one of the most unique and uplifting voices I have ever heard. This song is super upbeat, and you can’t help but smile while listening to it. I have found myself numerous times in the last couple of days dancing around my room because of it. Another one of my favorite songs by him is “Romeo and Juliet”.

“i hope ur miserable until ur dead” by Nessa Barrett.

This song. Within an hour of its release, I knew every word. Honestly, before it even came out, I was screaming every word to the teaser clip she posted on Tik Tok. She is an artist I have talked about a few times before, an up-and-coming star who started on Tik Tok of all places. Her music is the new generation’s Paramore mixed with Halsey. She is edgy, upbeat, and writes one hell of a single to blast in your car. Her first EP comes out in just a few days, and I am super excited to see how her career grows from here.

“OHMAMI (with Maggie Lindemann)” by Chase Atlantic.

This song had already been climbing the charts before its release, fans just couldn’t get enough from the little clip that was leaked months ago. Then after the release of the first version “OHMAMI” fans lost their minds, so much so they started adding their own verses to it and going viral with them. One of these people was Maggie Lindemann who posted a clip of her own verse onto Tik Tok where it blew up. Within days she was working with Chase Atlantic and in less than a week we had this banger for ourselves. If there is something Chase Atlantic knows how to do, it’s writing hit singles.

“Hoodies” by JayXander.

This song didn’t come out as recently as the others did, but I just found it a few days ago and can’t stop listening. Jay is another small Tik Tok artist who could easily make it big in the industry. After posting an acoustic version of this song that went viral, he quickly began producing a real version and even a music video for it. The song went viral, and months after releasing a few more songs, he is dropping his first album. His music is the type you can’t help but sing along to, so I can’t wait.

“Halley’s Comet” by Billie Eilish.

Of course, at this point pretty much everyone has listened to this album. Though it isn’t my favorite Billie album, it definitely has its bops mixed in. This song though, is one of my favorite songs to date. There is something so eerily beautiful about the sound of this song like I am mourning something, but I don’t know what. Her vocals are featured probably the most in the album on this song. Giving it a very raw and unique feel as opposed to her more instrumentally/electronically supported songs. I could listen to this song forever and be happy, to be honest, she killed it.

Lastly, my favorite this past month, “Onion Boy” by Isaac Dunbar.

This song has something in it that makes it addicting. I have never heard a song like this and I love it so much because of that. His voice is gorgeous, the beat is so freaking fun and unique, and the lyrics make me wanna scream in my car

There are plenty more songs I would like to share with you guys, but I’ll leave those for next time. Most of these songs were found through Tik Tok or I stumbled across them in a random playlist and saved them. Doing stuff like that has helped me expand my music taste so much in the past year. I suggest listening to the playlists Spotify and Apple Music make for you!!! They usually have a few hidden gems in them!

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This Week's Batch of New Music Finds
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