MDM’s Official Suwannee Hulaween Survival Guide


After two long years the wait is finally over.

Grab your squad, grab your mom, grab extra socks, we’re going to Hula!


One of the best things about Suwannee Hulaween is how diversity of the line up. If you like different genres of music then Hulaween is the best in the southeast. What makes it even better is that it’s in one of the most beautiful venues in the country. The lineup varies between bluegrass, jam bands, house music, bass music, with a splash of hip-hop.

Hula may be most famous for hosting three nights straight of the String Cheese Incident. It really binds the whole festival together. Why? This band plays all genres of music; I’ve seen them do country music, to EDM, rock and even some 70s disco. Never miss a Saturday night Cheese set! The show, the performances, their special guests, wow. Just wow. Every. Time.

You’d think the festival fun starts inside the festival? In the campground? In line to go inside the festival? No! At the Walmart across the street is where it all starts to hit you. Why? Well, it’s a camping festival so you need to get ice for the coolers, beers/liquor/claws, small headlights etc. The closest place to get all that right before heading inside is the festival is at good ole Walmart. While getting extra supplies for the campsite, everyone starts to realize that 60% of the people that are in there are doing the same thing as you. Getting ready for an amazing weekend under the Spanish moss. So you can only imagine how silly and hyped everyone inside would probably be.


Here is a list of some supplies you can grab just in case the excitement over powers:


-Ice (for the cooler)


-Extra soft toilet paper

-Baby Wipes


-Granola bars (snacks & fruits)

-Sandwich stuff

-sauce for the sandwich stuff


-Small light you can put on your head (you’ll thank me later)

-Fire wood (campfires are allowed!)

-Shoe insoles 


Alright now that the supplies are situated… now, the line. If you are not there early, the line is POPPIN’. Of course with Hulaween being a sold out show, the line is going to reflect that. Unless you hate lines and show up a day or two early. I have met some people that camp there as far as a week before the festival, just so they have the best camping spot. When there isn’t a festival at Suwannee, it’s just a regular campground that people visit year round. Just without the big stages and speakers of course.


Finally inside! Be ready to be welcomed by lovely event staff that point you in the right direction. Find your spot, crack open a white claw and start the set up. Make friends with your neighbors too! You will be next to them and see them all weekend so why not?

The site is set. Ready to explore. The art installations are one of the best parts of the first moments. Keep your eyes peeled for workshops as well! There is always a pre-party to get the people warmed up, be sure to check it out. It’s always a vibe.

Now it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! You can find tickets to join us, here.

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