Com Truise Made My Dreams Com Truise


Forged in the fire of synthwave, Com Truise casted his hypnotic sounds and visuals on the crowd at The Wilbury on Sunday night. The Wilbury is a hot bar and restaurant spot on Gaines Street in Tallahassee, often featuring live music from artists big and small alike. But the appearance of Com Truise there this Sunday brought electronic and vaporwave music lovers together under one roof. With a chill, intimate venue, the concert felt almost one on one with the artist. In his element of the stage, Com Truise wielded his equipment, taking the audience on a journey through space and time.

His stage presence was strong yet articulate. He was very thoughtful; his hands did the work, and music poured from the speakers. Indeed, it is known that the Com Truise albums follow a “synthetic astronaut” drifting in space, freeing himself from oppressions of society. That night, the synths and 80s-esque percussion transported the listener as if they were the “synthetic astronaut” known as Com Truise.

Listening to his music, especially live, puts you in the shoes of this character. If not his interpretation of Com Truise, by listening we drift through space as our own individual synthetic astronauts. For me, that is what listening to his (and all) music is about: feeling free. The synths and visuals at the show guided the audience to freedom. Freedom from the rat race, societal norms, and the overarching chaotic environment we subside in. Instead, the audience just drifted off into space, their body as their vessel, Com Truise as their Captain.


All images shot by Kaleb King
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