5 Acts you need to see at the 2020 RCC Adelaide Fringe


As the new year begins, the city of Adelaide starts to warm up into festival season known locally as ‘Mad March’. Throughout February and March, the city comes alive thanks to the Adelaide Festival, Womadelaide and the RCC Adelaide Fringe (along with the main Adelaide Fringe!) all running concurrently.

Choosing from an eclectic mix of stand up comedy, performance art, theatre and live music is no mean feat. To help you out, we’ve picked out the top 5 musical acts to see at the Adelaide Fringe this year. For the other art forms, you’re on your own.

All of the acts on this list will be playing as a part of the Royal Croquet Club, a series of events hosted within the iconic University of Adelaide grounds in the heart of the city.

Amanda Palmer

Part concert, part confessional, part therapy, Palmer’s three hour show There Will Be No Intermission will live up to its name in more ways than one. Audiences worldwide have been delighted and humbled seeing an artist in full flight, baring her soul and helping others to bare theirs. Not to be missed.

Tropical Fuck Storm plays No Country for Old Men

Done in conjunction with Hear My Eyes, Melbournian band Tropical Fuck Storm bring their musical prowess to a unique film and music experience. As the Coen Brothers classic No Country for Old Men plays on the big screen, Tropical Fuck Storm will be in the front, playing the an original score and music for the film live, allowing audiences to feel the power of the vision and sound of the film in a new way.

Steve Reich‘s Music for 18 Musicians

Modern classical music is often overlooked in this age of festivals and Soundcloud superstars, so this gig is a beautiful change of pace. A masterpiece in modern minimalism, Steve Reich’s Music for 18 Musicians will be performed live in Australia for the first time. Performed by the University of Adelaide ensemble Soundstream, this piece shows that minimalism and classical composing still have a place in these fast paced times.


When post-rock and avant-pop legends Stereolab disbanded in 2009, it was thought we’d never hear their beautiful French harmonies and Velvet Underground style chug again. But then, the stars aligned, and in 2019 they announced that a return to touring – this might actually be your last chance to see them in Adelaide – don’t miss out!

Amyl and the Sniffers

This band really does need no introduction! Having drop their self-titled debut album last year, Amyl and the Sniffers will be bringing their powerful, snarling, no-fucks-given punk rock to the RCC this year. Known for their rollicking live shows, it’ll be a wonder if the building will be still standing by the time they’ve finished with it.

RCC Adelaide Fringe runs from the 14th of February to the 15th of March.
Tickets for the RCC Adelaide Fringe are available now through FringeTix.

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